
#1 Cake Delivery Service In Malaysia

#1 Cake Delivery Service In Malaysia

  • love icon Cakes made with love
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  • phone icon +60 154 600 0888 (Mon-Sun, 9am-6pm)

February 26, 2021 3 min read

On March 19th, 1911 the first-ever gathering of women across  Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland took place - banded together, these pioneers came together to take a stand against the oppression and inequalities that women had been subjected to over the years. Later on, in 1914, after an incredibly tumultuous time in history - as the social landscapes and expectations changed with World War I, women were finally seeing a different possibility for the world they were living in - a brighter future. On the 8th of  March, 1914 - women across the world unanimously came together to continue to push for better opportunities for themselves and the worlds of women that would come after them.

Centuries down the road in 2021 - we, as women live in a much more equal and kind world. And while we owe it all to the legions of powerful women that came before us,  it is undeniable that even today, we are still yet to be treated as complete equals to our male counterparts. Whether it be in the form of educational opportunities, the workplace, our homes or even within society at a large  - we still have the need to stand up almost every single day, and fight back against oppression, prejudices and even gendered crimes in the hopes of a better future for the ones that will come after us.

Every year, International Women’s Day is a day where we truly admire and celebrate the strength and achievements that we, as women have accomplished over centuries; but that isn’t all. International Women’s Day is a day to remember that no matter how tough the battles we face may be - we truly are one. It’s a day to raise awareness, funds and try and do our part for the women that may not be as fortunate as us - the ones that live through unspeakable inequalities. Most importantly, International Women’s Day is a day where we remember what we have fought through, and continue to fight for a better future until we reach a place of true equality within society.

With a different theme of injustices that the day focuses on every year - this year, the theme for International Women’s Day advocates for us to #ChooseToChallange. This year, we’re being called on to choose to challenge the gender inequalities, biases, societal norms and every glass ceiling, sexist comment, action or prejudice that women face - every single day.

As individuals, groups and organizations come together and #ChooseToChallenge all the hurdles that women face today, let’s all take a pledge to do better and be better, not just for ourselves, but for every woman going through what we or someone we know has gone through. Let’s choose to challenge for the better. Hand in hand, we can make a change - and make the world a better place.

This International Women’s Day, let’s come together and show our appreciation for the massive strength that every woman carries within her - to challenge the hurdles and conquer the world she strides through one step at a time. Maybe even send her a sweet gesture - you know she deserves it! Perhaps her favourite flowers, a special gift or even a super sweet cake to remind her how much sweeter her presence makes your life, and the world at a large.

To learn more, head on over to the International Women's Day official website and do your part in making the world a better place.

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